hoi4 change ideology command kaiserreich

Germany-in-Exile now inherits the Germany intelligence agency upgrades. Reduced focus times for the Dominion of India and Princely Federation fortification focuses. Updated the game rule names for several countries. Germany no longer gets cores on Trentino. Fixed New England not having any cores in the western Mac route. Fixed the AI choosing the occupation option in the Fate of Singapore. Fixed player-led Insulindia being instantly overrun if they had deleted the Dutch East Indies army. They now always do that as it was intended. Fixed Greece not getting Western Thrace if the Ottomans are controlled by a player who did not attack Bulgaria. Hello everyone! Updated the political party names in the Bharatiya Commune. Shandongs Qu Tongfeng is now a general rather than an admiral. Fixed Tibet not peacing out with the Ma Clique. Poland can no longer core Transcarpathia. Fixed Lingering Communard Resistance not being removed from National France correctly. Tweaked the durations of a few Uruguayan national foci. Improved Patagonia AI handling of post-war focuses and decisions. Fixed the effect for the League of American States being on the wrong event. White Ruthenia now gains claims on Lithuania when forming the Lithuanian-Belarusian Confederation. Tibet can now get +1 research slot on the Young Tibet path. Fixed the inability to remove the Emigration national spirit as SocLib United Baltic Duchy. New National Spirit icons for the Italian Republic, Korea, Patagonia, Serbia & Venice. NFA should not be trying to place too many factories in Paris through decisions to avoid slot overflow. Fixed Qing integrating allies instantly, and removed a duplicated decision. Fixed Mittelafrika being demilitarised, despite not existing. Fixed the Latvian steel extraction decision being available without doing the correct national focus before. Added Starodub as a new state in Ukraine, replacing Podolia. Fixed a terror event not firing for Spain. Germany will no longer research doctrines before getting rid of the Victors of the Weltkrieg research speed debuff, Chile now asks the faction leader before simply joining their faction, Fixed Iosif Dshugasvili existing in multiple places at the same time, Russian countries can no longer release Russia, Puppet Russia is now able to fix black monday, South Africa will no longer take loans and instantly repay them with the loan money over and over again in a loop, Maximiliano Hernndez Martnez will now no longer remain as General in El Salvador should the capital be taken over by Partisans, Tibet and Mongolia should now get the correct cosmetic tags (and flags) should they become autonomous regions of the LKMT government. Fixed Romania having to re-core certain states after being released. Fixed the League of Eight Provinces missions to rescue governors firing after the War of the Five Provinces has ended. The Combined Syndicates Redouble Production national focus no longer gives Total Mobilisation, but now provides a stronger national spirit. Bohemia is now led by Alois Podhajsky at game start. Venezuela will now attack the West Indies for Essequibo, and can offer the West Indies peace when they hold it for long enough, Siseno Ramos Sarmento added as the new natpop leader of Amazonas, Perus focuses are now all locked to ideology. Fixed Bhutan being able to militarily occupy Tibet when they can claim it. Added a World News event for Polands Centrolew protests being crushed. Fixed some of the Papal States units being locked if requested as expeditionaries. Changed the layout and tweaked the icons on the Mittelafrika focus tree. Fixed White Ruthania getting two black monday ideas. Tweaked Germanys AI for dealing with the Eastern Front. The Entente's news events no longer fire if world news are disabled. Pro-Japan Legation Cities no longer give a guarantee to Fengtian. Norways Quisling can no longer attack Denmark if the former is the Reichspakt. Fixed mentions of a Haitian civil war when one did not occur. Fixed the Ottoman sultan staying around in Turkey. Germany now surrenders Ceylon and the Maldives to Japan if/when the GEA peace deal fires. Fixed puppet Boer South Africa keeping the Governor-General. Removed the option to execute the Japanese Imperial Family. Greatly decreased South Africas compliance requirements for coring Damaraland, Inhambane & Gaza, and Namaqualand. Added the Patagonian Falklands development decisions to Argentina. The CSA's code now accounts for a SocDem Mexico. Fixed Qings Pujie having Zaitao's description instead. Fixed Pastaza going to Ecuador instead of Peru in the annexation event. Added Avdo Fumo, Dervis Korkut, Bogdan Krekic and Mehmed Spaho as leaders of Bosnia. Expanded the benefits given by Bhutan declaring the Thunder Dragon Empire. Fixed player-led Yunnan being unable to fully annex Siam. Added Bagimu Negeri (For You, the Nation) for Insulindia. Fixed the Legation Cities not taking the Recognise an American Government decision. Reduced the failure rate of the Russian Zemstvo system, and removed the extra penalties (losing time and PP is already enough of a penalty.). Yunnans Kuomintang are a bit faster in progressing towards intervening in China to make up for the longer civil war. Player Ottomans now get Western Thrace even if not occupied. Updated the flag render for Bosnia and the South German Federation. Princely Federation now goes isolationist far less, Added a warning about claiming the title as Caliph for the Saudis and Rashidis, Middle Eastern populations fully adjusted to new states, Increase the speed at which Indian nations gain cores on the other conquered factions, Optimised Turkestan events, deleted many more, Japan now has a unique leader when puppeted by any socialist power, Syndicalist Japan will now be able to deal with the Imperial House (AI-only paths), Siam can no longer go down its political trees when puppeted, Redid Transamurs foreign policy and industry sections of their tree, Indian states should now have priority in peace conferences for Burma, Player-led Australasia can now demand territories from the Anderson doctrine at threat of war. Slightly improved Huey Longs Kingfish trait. Added Fort-Bayard as a French exonym for the Zhanjiang victory point. West Banat and Vojvodina now start with Illyrian/Transylvanian cores to avoid becoming colony states. Added an event for the foundation of Canadas Imperial Scientific and Academic Council. The Soviet Union can no longer core Korea. Removed Transylvanian resistance from Serbian-controlled West Banat. Fixed former Centroamerica countries freeing themselves from being a puppet by reforming Centroamerica. Fixed an unlocalised tooltip in the Silver Legion decision in the AUS. Greek Monarchy Referendum (expanded current options), Kingdom of Sardinia (expanded current options), Kingdom of Two Sicilies (expanded current options), Afghanistan: Habibullah Kalakani, Mohammad Daoud Khan, Wali Khan, Mohammad Nadir, Albania: Muharrem Bajraktari, Luigj Bumi, Eshref Frashri, Azem Galica, Elez Isufi, Gustav von Myrdacz, Fan Noli, Prenk Pervizi, Shefqet Vrlaci, Armenia: Christophor Araratov, Garegin Nzhdeh, Australasia: John Gregory Crace, John Lavarack, Brudenell White, Bohemia: Radola Gajda, Viktor Hoppe, Eduard Horak, Ludvik Krejci, Karel Kutlvar, Bohumil Ryt, Ludvik Svoboda, Jan Syrov, Brazil: Aliomar Baleeiro, Horta Barbosa, lvaro Botelho, Joaquim Francisco de Assis Brasil, Carlos Coimbra da Luz, Eurico Gaspar Dutra, Pedro III, Joo Mangabeira, Astrojildo Pereira, Jlio Prestes, Getlio Dornelles Vargas, CNT-FAI/Iberian Federation: Dolores Ibrruri Gomes, ngel Pestaa Nuez, East Turkestan: Sabit Damulla Abdulbaki, Isa Alptekin, Timur Beg, German Empire: Kurt von Hammerstein Equord, Wilhelm III (general), Wilhelm Marschall, Alfred Saalwchter, Erwin von Witzleben, Greece: Alexander I, Panagiotis Kanellopoulos, Korea: Jo So Ang, Kim Hong-il, Lyuh Woon Hyung, Lee Eung Jong, Yi Kang, Kim Koo, Chough Pyungok, Lee Beom Seok, Kim Suk Won, Yi Un, Sohn Won Yil, Kim Wonbong, Pak Hon Yong, Mali: Modibo Keita, Noukoun Kone, Mamby Sidibe, Hamallah bin Muhammad al Tishiti, New Zealand: George Faulkner, Peter Phipps, Ottoman Empire: Hseyin Hsn Paa, Refet Paa, efik Paa, Selahattin Paa, Peru: Manuel Barretos, Gamaliel Churata, Artidoro Aurelio Edmundo Garca Godos Hurtado de Mendoza, Alfredo Gonzalez Prada, Roque Augusto Saldias Maniat, Jos Agustn Haya de la Torre, Russia: Vasily Blyukher, Vladimir Romanov, Anastasy Vonsyatsky, Georgy Zhukov, Sichuan: L Chao, Xiong Kewu, Yang Sen, Deng Xihou, South Africa: Andries Jacob Brink, George Brink, Davidson Don Tengo Jabavu, Hendrik Klopper, Moses Kotane, Walter Madeley, Thabo Mofutsanyana, Dan Pienaar, Evered Poole, Alfred Bitini Xuma, Spain: Alfonso XIII, Damaso Berenguet Fuste, Emilio Luyando, Jaime I, Juan III, Salvador Moreno Hernandez, Leopoldo Saro Marn, Manuel Vierna Belando, Union of Britain: Andrew Browne Cunningham, Ronald Forbes Adam, Giffard Le Quesne Martel, Venezuela: Juan Bautista Fuenmayor, Gustavo Machado Morales, Isaias Medina. Liangguang now starts with more stability, less war support, some trains, and an irregular template. Simplified and streamlined Ukraines foreign policy. Fixed Uruguay creating a faction with a non-existent Brazil. Fixed the Eastern European Ostwall countries constantly sending too much equipment between each other. Latvia should now more often form the Baltic Last Stand faction with either Estonia or Lithuania. Persia's Trans-Iranian focus now actually builds a railway. Fixed the Dominion of India being able to bypass non-aggression pacts in its focus tree. Fixed Fengtians Li Dingyi not using the correct advisor picture. The Christmas and Cocos Islands are now cores of Australasia. Added an event for Armenia about the collapse of the Tseghakronutyun. Fixed the player of the German Empire not properly being moved to play as Germany in Exile. Fixed Sardinia and Sicily constantly giving territory to each other. Fixed Germany not releasing Siberia or DKB properly. Fixed Russias capital not going back to Moscow. Fixed a Hong Kong-related event for the Legation Cities firing when they dont own Hong Kong. Fixed the Transylvanian Revolt not firing correctly. Fixed New Englands Norwich University national focus adding the wrong commander as the Armour Military High Command. Fixed post-Ottoman Turkey being able to annex Iranian Kurdistan. Fixed a missing game rule check locking AutDem South Africa out of its tree. Fixed South Africas Plan Smuts decisions missing AI factors. Fixed a typo in the name of (South Africas syndicalist leader) Clements Kadalie. Austro-Hungarian victory points have been nudged back to their correct location. Fixed the moderate coup in Centroamerica not setting the correct leaders. Fixed the decision for the Yemeni rebellion cancelling incorrectly. Fixed the Left Kuomintang not being able to attack Xinjiang. Fixed an edge case where socialist countries could join the Moscow Accord. Fixed some typos in Patagonia, Japan, Bhutan, Norway, Jabal Shammar, Australasia, Sichuan, Rhodesia. For Guatemala, Ubico's coup can't trigger for puppets anymore. The unique Generalgouvernement Warschau puppet for Poland can now be released by the United Baltic Duchy, as well as Germany, and is now led by Wolfgang von Kries. Fixed Socialist Latvia being able to buy arms from the Commune of France, when not aligned with them. Added Dark is the Night for Russia and Transamur. Added some checks to NatPop Bulgarias focus availability, so that they can only take them when they are able to declare on Serbia properly. Made the Commune of Frances AI more diligent at guarding against Germany, since the Weltkrieg can now start at more varied times. Releasing Brittany now requires owning both states. Added a starting cavalry template to Bolivia. Fixed Yakup Kadri not taking over as leader of NatPop and Totalist Turkey. Added national focus descriptions to Anatolian Kurdistan. Fixed the Fate of Asir and Sinai events for the Ottomans (post-defeat) leaving them with an exclave. Fixed an inverted East Turkestan consumer goods modifier. Russia now gets Dalian from Japan, after its surrender event, if they've occupied it or Manchuria during the war. Added some sanity checks to Persian army national focuses. Changed the traits of Austrian Chiefs of Staff Alfred von Hubicki and Emil Hickmann so that they match their respective national focuses. Kuomintang Liangguang will gain several commanders from the Left Kuomintang, should the latter fall. The new reworked nations brought to you this time around are none other than Bhutan, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Wales and White Ruthenia. The Belgium-Germany peace deal timer is actually started properly. Fixed Ottoman Empires missing leader descriptions for Sultans Abdlmecid II and Osman IV. Fixed German puppet Lithuania being locked out of its focus tree. Removed Auf Auf Zum Kampf, Der Rote Wedding and Einheitsfrontlied, Added new version of Hang out the Washing of the Siegfried Line, Fixed tags for some Chinese and Commonwealth music, Sardinia now has the EU IV color, instead of the exact same color as the Philippines, Added a mountain range in Northern Manchuria, New citylights over SAF, Eastern Coast of MAF, Egypt, Ottoman Empire, Arabia, North America, China, Europe and Australasia, Removed several Soviet-created towns VPs in Siberia, Several states have been changed around in the Caucasus, United Baltic Duchy generals have been fully reworked and replaced, Nerfed massively production cost of SHDNG carrier conversion with few other stats, Canada doesnt start with DP secondaries available for all their ships, The vanilla events/decisions regarding war support and stability have been added in Kaiserreich, with a few changes and tweaks -- so you should be getting strikes/mutinies/draft dodging if youre at war and your stability or war support is too low, etc, Changed the timing of Fengtians Shenyang Conference and its impact on the Anqing Clique, so now Anqing decides whether to commit to help Fengtian based on the conferences outcome, Fengtian now requires war support to begin the National Reclamation War, instead of needing to wait until 1938, Fengtians Mantetsu Influence idea now sends civilian factories to Japan once the right influence threshold is reached, Added an event for POR and SOM if they get land from MAF's collapse, Ported recent air and land doctrine tech changes from vanilla, A large number of dead files have been removed with other remaned, submods touching those files will need to be updated, Added an idea to help the post MAF nations finish their wars, Enabled a player to switch to Korea during the revolt if they so wish, Added a warning when Japan is about to declare war on you, Fengtian can now refuse the offer from the Legation Cities to occupy Tianjin in exchange for a malus, and if they do accept the malus can be removed, Fengtians war support and political power gain/loss have been adjusted, Fengtians events, decisions, and focuses now better accommodate a puppeted Japan, Japan can now stage an attack in the Legation Cities, Russian AI is no longer less likely to take Mass Assault doctrine, Mexico no longer stays with a Paternal Autocrat government in case the campesinos war ends early, The leader descriptions have been standardized to not include date of birth, Events for micronations are now triggered by other events and have been broken up into their respective files, When Wallonia is taken over by Lahaut and goes Totalist it now leaves its faction and any wars its in, so Germany can now declare war on it if need be, Updated the code for Serbia, Romania, Italy, and Poland to watch for each others opportunity to attack Austria (mainly to keep up to date with Italys new decision for it), Japanese AI now far less likely to start a war with the Reichspakt or the Entente over Hawaii or Philippines, The AI will no longer spend PP on improving relations unless its over 200 PP, The Italian Republic now has a dockyard to start, Adjusted Two Sicilies AI weights for its focus tree, so it focuses more on the political and economic sections and doesnt simply do focuses at random, It is no longer possible for four separate Australasian delegations to appear at the Legation Council, Fixed an issue preventing Transamur from breaking free and progressing through their tree, Fixed an issues causing generals that werent meant to have trait being randomly given one, Fixed several CTDs caused by bad OOBs in China, Fixed British/Canadian annexation of Australasia, Fixed instance of Latvian and Estonian AI stalling out when the Baltic War begins, Monobe/Tokachi cruisers are now properly classified as Cruisers, Correction of starting naval techs (especially carriers) for multiple tags, Restored missing ships for SRI and ITA, re-classified PAP ships, GXC summoned peasant militias will actually spawn now, Zhang Zongchang no longer shows up at Shenyang if he was already defeated, Fixed an issue where you could get unlimited cores as the Left Kuomintang via aligned puppets, Fixed river crossing issue in one of the Indian border states, Fixed Legation Cities country paths not working correctly, West Indies Federation can no longer request ships from a non-allied Canada, Adjusted Greek referendum focus so its no longer cancelled if Greece goes to war halfway through the focus, Fixed bad event id for Saudi caliphate focus, If Japan releases Fengtian, any cosmetic tag it had will now be dropped, SRI Radical Socialist government no longer receives secular event, Nepal now has a peace event for its war with Dominion of India and the Entente, Australasia now automatically becomes a republic when released as a puppet (so no more Governor-General heads of state or British flags), Fixed SRIs Fifth Congress so it doesnt break if all three events arent picked the same way, and so its now possible to stalemate just like in the Fourth Congress, A new icon for Qings Gongxian Arsenal focus, A new icon for the LEPs Krupp and Deutsch Asiatische focuses, A new icon for Yunnans FuDian Bank Reorganization focus, Fixed radio stations names not showing up correctly with certain combinations of mods, Changed Ulster to its Northern Ireland jurisdictions, Moved Derry VP to its proper place on the coast, Moved a lake province from Hejiang to Vladivostok to avoid issues with the integration decisions, Almost all Brazilian leaders, both for Brazil itself and the splinter states, now have leader descriptions, Buffed Mongolia in multiple ways to make it a little easier to fight the Ma Clique and easier for the AI to survive, Alash Orda, Georgia now start with a Field Marshal, Added an event for China to peace out with the Legation Cities western coalition.

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hoi4 change ideology command kaiserreich