my husband left me because he was unhappy

I feel so betrayed, devastated and its really painful to me. One of the best ways to help get through something like this is to have someone else to talk to. I should wasnt revenge for my pain, but I dont. So just like you want to be loved and cared for, he wants the same thing. My husband of 6 years packed his clothing and left after telling me that we do not have future together after I did not find a career job and was in a car accident. I cannot take you anymore. A week goes by and I join her for another visit for 11 days. It does get easier, I promise. Too make it short our son had to go with me to pick up her car several times her friends brought her car home once before she drove her car off road through a mailbox into a tree totaled car was able to get past cop because he was looking for signs of alcohol let her manipulate him with a phantom car story and I was not notified until her car was towed to a lot. And, while cleaning up our home computer, I found a file of pics. Everything says I will be ok. She was afraid to tell u sooner prob cause she was afraid it would make u mad. So we moved and then I noticed she one week she ceas carry we cell with her at all times, this was not like her she even slept with it . She gets outraged and calls me every name in the book and thats that. If you are experiencing a life-threatening emergency, in danger of hurting yourself or others, feeling suicidal, overwhelmed, or in crisis, its very important that you get immediate help! Over the past year he has been leaving me in the dark about a lot of stuff. There will be light at the end of the tunnel, you just have to search for it and stay positive no matter what. Perhaps your husband has a personality disorder. You knew I would do anything for those kids and yet you continue to prove our family will never be worth your time and effort or attention. I would take a stand and approach this situation head on. So, basically this proves to me she was using me for some time, which (while devastating perhaps) allows me to at least be thankful she isnt, and cant anymore. Trying to figure out why your partner left you can become the bane of your existence. Leave them alone. I try to tell her shes embarrassing herself my kids and me with her behavior but she doesnt care. Saving the relationship when youre the only one trying is tough but it doesnt always mean your relationship should be scrapped. She doesnt call for two days. That was not even all my husband and his girlfriend did. We talked and decided to give it another try things were great at first l felt like a queen. A few weeks have now passed and Xmas has come and gone and no kids for me, nothing. My wife and I have been together as lovers for 13 years. I have to buy my own insurance because Im losing mine on December 9. Psych Central does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Please send me strength. The neurontin shut it off. Thats really hard. I just dont understand any of it and feel so hopeless. theycome to realize is this it! Im in so much pain physically. My husband did the same thing to me. I just want to know what people think, and if anything would help. Its so bizarre to go from being very loving and leaving cards and messages and notes about how honored he is to be my partner , to ..we never had it right and Im unhappy and Ive been unhappy for 10 years or our whole life. I think we both used sex to cope with stress. We have had plenty of problems since we had kids together but we were both Farley young when this happened so that could be the problem. Ive been single for almost two years now and I will be for a while longer. Period. I will pray for you and just take it one day at a time and get up everyday with a plan How do you deal with him not loving you anymore, he felt unappreciated, he started heavily texting another married woman for over a month, and you dont have anything in common? You are definitely not alone. Sort the legal separation stuff and you can do a divorce online for free. What the heck am I supposed to do now. In a way i feel the same way. I was sexually abused when I was 3 not by a parent / relative. After finally loosing respect for him I no longer feel the pain. You are not going to die .Your wife who is supposed to love you has been seeing another man no matter what the excuse this is not acceptable. Yup its called life. Scharnett-King K. (2022). You will find hope in small things and within yourself. I understand this. But, at the same time I have been for so many years, and still am, the focus of so much of her hate, scorn, and malice I really dont want live with that type of negativity one more day than I have to I am not a therapist. As the spouse of a narcissist, I am the one with the problemthe one who is too sensitive, the one who cannot take a joke. But the two most common triggers of severe dog depression are the loss of a companion animal or the loss of an owner. If it comes to the point of separation, at least the pain will be temporary. My husband from the time they were little. My heart is broken beyond repair. Hey there. Well, self-esteem is highly important in any relationship. As for me, i dont want to be in the same time zone as my estranged wife And when the kids are both out of the house, I fully intend to leave the continent. It totally sucks .glad to hear youre hanging in there, we have no choice. But there isnt anything other than try to focus on your kids. I respect her decision, but there is a lot of envy there. Trust me. I told him that Im willing to take him back despite of what hes done but it looks like he cant stop talking to this person. I now tell her I wont come over anymore and space away for her when she wont even consider spending even an hour of her time with us. Just move through it, let your emotions flow freely, and dont let anyone make you feel like less of a person for feeling this way. I suspected something was going on with her why she broke and i taught she was seeing someone and maybe this guy from before.. magnificent issues altogether, you simply won a brand new reader. I took this announcement very badly and as I had already opened up all that shit in my mind re the abuse, neglect, etc I had a breakdown and two days later I woke up to my 3-year old self holding onto an exacto blade knife in one hand and my penis in the other as I was attempting to cut that part off of me. Curious I went out and heard him drop something out of my sight. Hes dating without any problem Im sure. I wanted to make him happy so, i said i would move to where his family lived so, we would have family and we were supposed to have a better life. Please. I have been in counseling, a divorce support group and working everyday to believe that I am of value. Things like eating right, exercising, therapy, meditation, massage, friends, family Anything to get better Its horrible.. I dont think I will ever be able to understand it and it scares the HELL out of me when once in a while I think I get inside of his mind what he thought process was to abuse me. I havent overcome anything yet. I am so desperate not knowing how to get out of it. Is he depressed and hating life? You can move on and start enjoying life again with your kids know that you will. He drove all the way home at midnight. Maybe you feel that you are loved under certain conditions only, or you keep up a facade for your partner. WHY??? We can, for sure, take this as a learning experience about ourselves and our relationship needs. I took a job overseas to help the financial situation of my home. How to cope: If this is the reason for your divorce or breakup, you probably had a good go of it. One thing I am scared of is that my heart as sensible to all the facts as is it is not closed towards him. Well I am the adulterous turned bunny boiler. I dont know what to do. Why are you so hurt and feel this way? after 45 years i gave into Separation in 2012, and he insisted on A Divorce and and started on in Sept 2012 which was bitter and financially. Despite the length of a relationship, each partner must be committed to doing their share of the work, and communicating their own needs. I am devastated. Any time i try to talk to her to tell her the pain I am going thru being apart from my kids and missing her but she gets upset then she blocks my phone and texts. How do I keep my self-esteem high when Im going through this? If it wasnt for my children, I would leave this earth. It is amazing how they completely changed. Seems he mailed her interior vibrators to enhance their sessions. Im not happy being left out. Slept in the living room the last 3 nights because he fell asleep out there. It makes it easier to reach this point again. I dont understand how someone can throw you out of your own house . This is going to be GREAT. Men have a habit of making us woman feel crazy, this is a strategy to deter us from the truth. We were happy, we valued each others company, we always went through any hardships together. Fortunately, relationship expert and divorce coach Brad Browning knows exactly what it takes to save a failing marriage. Its not a soap opera where the wife has to feed a mans ego and blow him every night.. Anyways thanks for your comment Im angry;-/ but I need to be a good role model snd keep it together. I looked everywhere and i sat outside of the area for a long time. Although she wasnt having a physical affair, she was having an emotional one. It comes down to saying, this sucks but also saying to ourselves whatever and just knowing we tried. Im wondering now if I should have. I have no control over their daily lives with her I can only be thankful her parents are so actively involved in her life which she has thus far been able to suck the life out of them to the point I dont think they will last much longer. You dont have to be with them forever and ever, but they can help you through this time of your life. However while she was visiting her family her step uncle came to town, I was not there but the day he arrived she turned cold. He wants to separate all our assets already and wants all the momentos in our house. When I came back to get rental I found hidden inside a mint bottle Vicodin and soma pills that were in two sets of boxes. So I left him and came back to my house. Just do your best to keep it together for your kids, and realize that there will be a rainbow at the end of the dark cloud. Please be strong. They started talking all the time. The first time was right after I had our first child. I am unsure what to do. Scharnett-King warns this rarely works out. I broke down and hit the ultimate low and the very next day she used it and stripped me of custody and I didnt get to see my kids for 7 months. Im sorry for what you are going through Im in the exact same boat Married 17 years too he left this is my husbands 2nd affair Its sickening how a spouse can do this.. Husband walked out a week before thanksgiving on our three kids and me. This podcast explores all things love and relationships. They are in a place where they dont have any clarity and theyre in the middle of a crisis. It is a growing trend in the United States. My husband left me and I am wondering how you are feeling? You can not continue to live this way. After everything promises etc he leaves again. I just have to take the bruise to the heart hearing it and suck it up, thats what its been left to. Read some of what I wrote I was married for 21 YEARS and mine did the same thing. Just for leaving someone that i wasnt happy with. Drinking ,infidelity and porn being the worst, both on his part. I am so sorry this happened to you. In doing that it was found that I needed a hysterectomy due to fibroid cyst were filling my uterus to the point that everthing else was pushed into my chest cavity! He is going back to his daddys at 30 years old because he will have no responsibility. All rights reserved. I always made a big deal out of xmas for each other, the tree, silly stuff. *they feel smothered He said he no longer loved me and couldnt to it anymore. The relationship was most likely very comfortable and good in many ways, but trust that you will rekindle some of your romantic spark and realize that your marriage was unfulfilling. it said she was on her way to England and she was never coming back to United States and that she wanted a divorce.just totally out of the blue, everything was normal all the way up to the day she left.she kept everything a secret and well hidden.I was totally devastated by this. How are you feeling today? Love has to be tough this is one reason no matter what you must not take her back . The terms broken home, broken family, failed marriage, broken marriage, are still terms used to describe my situation, all of which I loathe. I been with my sons father for 8 years and throughout the whole 8 years he never treated me like a real person he always treated me like I was one of his friends and I never had the respect given from him to me but anyhow I stayed in this relationship it was rocky on and off I even left eight months in 2013 and he came back in 2014 of December and things have not been right every since I asked him cuz he have a history of cheating on me while we were in our relationship and always ask about other people were there at and why do you choose to keep coming back well I got a bit of a surprise in January of 2015 I was with him and that was the last time Ive been with him I found out that he have had a friend on the side and Im actually okay with that because the relationship has been rocky since the beginning so I just want to know why he didnt tell me straight forward that he was leaving me for another woman. We have more information about what to do in a crisis at I did it all. He was my rock. Said she didnt love me and turned to her boss. this time it was litteraly out of nowhere nobody seen it coming and on his days off which were just this week he flew to where she lives in calgary (we live in BC) to spend days off with her. Rage that would be primarily directed towards friends and family. Spending time with them is the best way to get through this because they see the pain youre in and they will understand why youre so sad. Just make sure you get books that arent full of fluff and nonsense that doesnt mean anything. And just this week has gone away with just him on a business trip over seas. I lost everything, my marriage, my home, my family, my friends, my belongings my routine.I had just finished my career in the Army 27 years. She has recently gone for hikes with her husband, meets him at the gym for game of squash, goes to theatre shows with him and their girls. this feels like a nightmare for me and its hard for me to cope with on a daily basis. I never was, I dont get it. Even if your spouse returns, the relationship as you know it may have changed, and it's OK to express grief: "You're grieving the loss of this relationship, what . While these may be the reasons someone gives for leaving a relationship, these do not address the real reasons why someone normally leaves a relationship. It will get better. You worry about getting your head right, and moving on. Megan. I have fantastic close friends and an even better-extended family. I didnt like the use of pronouns on this articlehe feels unappreciated, she met someone else, he doesnt love you anymore. While I understand we didnt have the perfect marriage and living situations, I never saw this coming. Didnt know our kids friends girlfriends or boyfriends. We were happy. What happened will always be reality for us and you will n shall strong and healthy for your children and yourself. Even if your spouse returns, the relationship as you know it may have changed, and its OK to express grief: Youre grieving the loss of this relationship, what it meant to you, and the role this person played in your life, says Garcia. Her loss. At the time, my husband was working 14-18 hours a day just to keep food on the table. I have become this weird doormat type character to her waiting on her every move. 3. She baits me along telling me she was weak and it was a mistake and it was my fault for leaving her a mess Wait, you kicked me out. Research watch for the signs and never settle for anything less than you deserve. 3. I know that getting over your husband is a very difficult process to go through. Last Thursday in anger I took his remaining clothes to his home only to find another woman there preparing him dinner. Dont be a victim . You have described your situation and it is exactly as I feel. I dont know what to do anymore. You can follow her on Instagram here. So she waits and just ripps all he has from him while deployed knowing I had no chance. It appears the more you try, the more you are rejected. Depressed partners regret leaving very often, yes, but it should not be a pattern. We have a son who is just under 2 and was born 10 weeks early. I suspect someone else has caught his attention. I hate to be blunt, but to me it sounds like she likes the best of both worlds. CassieD Im in Pennsylvania. Part of me suspects my wife is one of the mentioned types who craves new love all the time. My husband of 20years has just told hes leaving me that hes not in love with me anymore and has been living a lie for the past year!! Then it was time for us. He will go the same thing to someone else- no worries. I think on diffrent levels most of us suffer with anxiety, depression. I am determined to hear what you would have to say about my situation I honestly need some help and feedback I have no support where I live just negativity thats it my family doesnt understand how I feel at all please Heather if there is any way possible please write back please. I knew it was something . The taint of desperation lingers at my heals and I fight to be encouraging to two son who have lied to and thrown away as I have like trash. There are other ways of finding things out, but that all depends on which boundaries you are willing to cross. It does not DEFINE you. And thats not bad advice either, but self-help books are incredibly helpful for getting over your pain. The councilor suggested that I pay a visit to my gynecologist to get things checked out. Kelly, i had love in college. I actually threw up all morning and had to stay home from work. She tells me she is not sure who she wants to be with. Your pain will pass and you will get back on ur feet again. I was a stay Hm dad for 3 years and I think it caused the divorce. Time and time again I would say things that she would take hurtful or mean. Ive not coped at all Was in hospital for 5 days and am trying my best to eat and drink which feels pointless. Yes I was pissed beyond belief. What city and state are you in? Take a step back look in the mirror .If you have everything but see nothing where does the problem lie. I am not trying to portray myself as a prince but I have given this woman my everything,My heart my soul my compassion, my trust my loyalty,My everything.And she just shattered everything to pieces.She takes a lot of meds for her mental and Physical problems,and she is going through Menopause. Guest blog from 'Paul' - a man whose marriage ended because of his wife's menopause. I am a strong person, that helps. Hi Wendy, I was a bit like you a year ago, had so much to reflect over I didnt know where to start . He is making me take all my things, after 2 years married, 3 together. My husband left me after going into a two-week-long depression where he wouldnt tell me what was going on. I threw myself into my work to keep my mind occupied, and although I was present for my son Noah, I wasnt present in myself. Plus her step mother has been trying to break us up for 10 years. I just want her back.. My husband left me about 19 years ago we were best friends for some years but when we got married he walked out on me I had broken my leg and was using cruches to get around he left me when I needed him the most I dont know why he left me he never tried to find me to explain hisself or why he did what he did nothing bad happened between us I cant seem to get pass this I think about what he did to me everyday and nite for the past 19 years I have been emotionaly upset over this and dont know what to do i just want answers. From my perspective your husband saying that he is not happy could mean several things: 1. Hes cut that off and I am bereft no kiss, no cuddle, no sweet goodbye when he sees me off to work. She said that she is doing this out of love because she cant fully give herself to me. Keeping that balance would lessen the likelihood of the above 5 reasons, or other reasons like it being too much work, from occurring . I know it sounds stupid but I am still so in love with him and so upset Im still hoping he will come back this time. The reason I write this is again there is evil and i have seen it all my life but the most important thing to remember is the signs people give. The mediator couldnt understand why we were getting divorced. We have an 18 month old boy as well. And our fights now revolve around not having sex. Who knows, by the time he comes around I probably will be so brand new that he wont be able to afford me, not mentally , not financially or in any way possible. How to cope: Try not to take too much of a righteous or moral stance. If you want to get over the pain and suffering, the best thing you can do is forgive your husband and move on with your life. I dont have friends that I can confide in, I dont have family to talk to. But we have a 13 year old son together, and hes a wonderful boy. I am so sorry! He would never compromise nit even come home 1 time a week to have supper as a family hes a workaholic Now hes not happy because Ivehad anger issues so I went to get help since I too realizes I have to work on myself and I kids see it.however apparently I didnt change enough. Days are much better here this time around wasnt nearly as hard. They dont even have to contain a mother or father, they could be aunts, uncles, your step-family or even friends. Do not allow someone to ever make you feel less or wrong. Thats were the acceptance came into play . I have always loved her and I feel like I always will. They say that telling someone you love them is one thing, but showing them is something else. Mind you although we have split up things have been amazing in the last 2 years compared to how things were before hand. With only being a year apart. I found a job making less money but I manage. What he really needs now is your understanding and support. Guilt that you couldn't help your spouse. Believe me she will wonder whats going on with you! This new girlfriend has a world of abuse to deal with in the future. The right man will respect what you have been through, he will be patient and kind and above most understanding. A year and half later my wife decided to cheat on me with my next door neighbour (touching not sex and the lead in emotional affair) I never really got a good reason to why it happened and she didnt really seem sorry for her actions I struggled with this blow and the trust I had for her was shattered. The devil has taken him or her over but it is up to you to be the bigger person and fight through it. I guess theres a lot of money being made in the divorce and recovery business encouraging people like my ex wife to wreck our families. We did everything together, camping, hunting, fishing, holidays, and Netflix marathons of snuggling on the couch. It doesnt matter what they look like, the color of their skin, or the gender they identify with. Its just an observation but she seems to have also removed all responsibility from her life its scary. . Unfortunately these pieces need to meet the reader where he or she is, so there will definitely be different perspectives based on the context of each individuals situation. BTW. he is getting laid off in I think 2 weeks and will be working back in bc and she will still be out there in a camp? Hoping she would relax a little. When you give yourself to a person completely then they just walk out of your life like nothing its so easy for them I feel depressed and dont know how to cope everything reminds me of him and its harder at night sleeping alone I saw this coming but still wasnt prepared enough. My prayers are for you but know that the pain will subside with time. He gave her money and bought her a car to keep her, but in the end, that didn't work. Im not sure what exactly he was looking for, perhaps just being very emotionally transparent on an every day basis? And I can tell you first-hand that its not easy to go through something like this. I froze that moment then 6 years later I was traumatized again. Guilt that you divorced your mentally ill spouse. Slightly distant. Their best advice was for me to just get pregnant., My husband left me after going into a depression. Your worth a lot more than a cheater. I has been left with no rhyme or reason you can read my earlier blog. It will be awful and painful and confusing. She tells me that she hasnt cheated on me even tho I have my doubts. I am loosing my home in a few weeks because im disabled and she was the breadwinner. This menopause matter is not funny. We saw your comment and are sorry to hear you are experiencing this difficulty. I left her cause she was a gold digger had 4 affairs and she was a thief . I received my divorce and was devastated by my helpless circumstance. He is on disability because of multiple chemical sensitivity. In this type of love, how others view us is more important than how we actually feel. By Saturday morning I am calling nonstop everyone, her parents etc. your. Im glad youre getting counselling as I think this has hurt you deeply and will need mending from your core. If a woman is not sorry or sad that a the father of her child and husband of 4 years . You seem quite smart and extremely able to do this. I read somewhere that narcsassists will never loose any sleep over our pain . Instead of moving on and doing whats best for themselves, they take out all their anger and sadness on anyone who will listen to them. We are now 10 months after the filing and he has left again, stating he is trying to get his head straight. I think that when the hurt has worn off a little I will let her read this. Where was I? Im now in a great place but I still have difficult moments and difficult days, specifically when it comes to parenting alone or finding things to do on the weekends. hes not taking any ownership for his decision.I dont think hell ever realize what kind of devastation caused our family. Maybe there were reasons you didnt want to put energy and time into the relationship, or perhaps you felt like it was your partners job as much as yours. Glantz MJ, et al. In fact I think I hate him more now than I did then. Noah loves his Dad and we have always maintained a civil relationship for his sake. We loved like I have never experienced. Finding that on Facebook is a huge red flag. Thanks CassieD. The last thing you want to do is spend it with a happily married couple or try to entertain your child while you meet your child-free friend for coffee and a chat. (more time is spent telling your child to sit down/stop that/behave). Unbelievable.

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my husband left me because he was unhappy