pagan continuity hypothesis

This limestone altar tested positive for cannabis and frankincense that was being burned, they think, in a very ritualistic way. So when you take a step back, as you well know, there was a Hellenic presence all over the ancient Mediterranean. They followed Platonic (and other Greeks) philosophy. So I really follow the scholarship of Enriqueta Pons, who is the archaeologist on site there, at this Greek sanctuary that we're talking about in Catalonia, Mas Castellar des Pontos. When Irenaeus is talking about [SPEAKING GREEK], love potions, again, we have no idea what the hell he's talking about. Not much. That would require an entirely different kind of evidence. That event is already up on our website and open for registration. The divine personage in whom this cult centered was the Magna Mater Deum who was conceived as the source of all life as well as the personification of all the powers of nature.\[Footnote:] Willoughby, Pagan Regeneration, p. 114.\ 7 She was the "Great Mother" not only "of all the gods," but of all men" as well. It is my great pleasure to welcome Brian Muraresku to the Center. And I look forward to talking about this event with you after the fact eventually over a beer. It was one of the early write-ups of the psilocybin studies coming out of Johns Hopkins. But it survives. Liked by Samuel Zuschlag. Here's another one. So let's start, then, the first act. The Religion has a Name: "Shamanism" - AKJournals So psychedelics or not, I think it's the cultivation of that experience, which is the actual key. Then there's what were the earliest Christians doing with the Eucharist. And how do we-- when the pharmaceutical industry and when these retreat centers begin to open and begin to proliferate, how do we make this sacred? I am so fortunate to have been selected to present my thesis, "Mythology and Psychedelics: Taking the Pagan Continuity Hypothesis a Step Further" at. But in Pompeii, for example, there's the villa of the mysteries, one of these really breathtaking finds that also survived the ravage of Mount Vesuvius. CHARLES STANG: Brian, I wonder if you could end by reflecting on the meaning of dying before you die. Where does Western civilization come from? BRIAN MURARESKU: I'm asked this question, I would say, in pretty much every interview I've done since late September. And much of the evidence that you've collected is kind of the northern half of the Mediterranean world. This time around, we have a very special edition featuring Dr. Mark Plotkin and Brian C . Now we're getting somewhere. And I think there are so many sites and excavations and so many chalices that remain to be tested. It seems to me, though, that the intensity and the potency of the psychedelic experience is of an order of magnitude different than what I may have experienced through the Eucharist. I know that that's a loaded phrase. You want to field questions in both those categories? It's only in John that Jesus is described as being born in the lap of the Father, the [SPEAKING GREEK] in 1:18, very similar to the way that Dionysus sprung miraculously from the thigh of Zeus, and on and on and on-- which I'm not going to bore you and the audience. I'm paraphrasing this one. So even from the very beginning, it wasn't just barley and water. This book by Brian Muraresku, attempts to answer this question by delving into the history of ancient secret religions dating back thousands of years. And there were gaps as well. If beer was there that long ago, what kind of beer was it? That's staying within the field of time. 48:01 Brian's psychedelic experiences . The continuity theory of normal aging states that older adults will usually maintain the same activities, behaviors, relationships as they did in their earlier years of life. So let's talk about the future of religion, and specifically the future of Roman Catholicism. PDF The continuity between pagan and Christian cult - Scandinavia let's take up your invitation and move from Dionysus to early Christianity. But I don't hold-- I don't hang my hat on that claim. Then I'll ask a series of questions that follow the course of his book, focusing on the different ancient religious traditions, the evidence for their psychedelic sacraments, and most importantly, whether and how the assembled evidence yields a coherent picture of the past. BRIAN MURARESKU: That's a good question. Eusebius, third into the fourth century, is also talking about them-- it's a great Greek word, [SPEAKING GREEK]. We know from the literature hundreds of years beforehand that in Elis, for example, in the Western Peloponnese, on the same Epiphany-type timeline, January 5, January 6, the priests would walk into the temple of Dionysus, leave three basins of water, the next morning they're miraculously transformed into wine. Is taking all these disciplines, whether it's your discipline or archaeochemistry or hard core botany, biology, even psychopharmacology, putting it all together and taking a look at this mystery, this puzzle, using the lens of psychedelics as a lens, really, to investigate not just the past but the future and the mystery of human consciousness. First, the continuity of the offices must be seen in light of the change of institutional charges; they had lost their religious connotations and had become secular. And if you're a good Christian or a good Catholic, and you're consuming that wine on any given Sunday, why are you doing that? So I see-- you're moving back and forth between these two. Psychedelics Today: Mark Plotkin - Bio-Cultural Conservation of the Amazon. The kind of mysticism I've always been attracted to, like the rule of Saint Benedict and the Trappist monks and the Cistercian monks. CHARLES STANG: All right. CHARLES STANG: OK. So what do we know about those rituals? These sources suggest a much greater degree of continuity with pre-Christian values and practice than the writings of more . I was not going to put a book out there that was sensationalist. That to live on forever and ever, to live an everlasting life is not immortality. And that's the mysteries of Dionysus. 1,672. And the quote you just read from Burkert, it's published by Harvard University Press in 1985 as Greek Religion. And the second act, the same, but for what you call paleo-Christianity, the evidence for your suspicion that the Eucharist was originally a psychedelic sacrament. #646: Brian C. Muraresku with Dr. Mark Plotkin The Eleusinian A combination of psychoactive plants, including opium, cannabis, and nightshade, along with the remains of reptiles and amphibians all steeped in wine, like a real witch's brew, uncovered in this house outside of Pompeii. CHARLES STANG: Yeah. So at the very-- after the first half of the book is over, there's an epilogue, and I say, OK, here's the evidence. And so part of what it means to be a priest or a minister or a rabbi is to sit with the dying and the dead. And so for me, this was a hunt through the catacombs and archives and libraries, doing my sweet-talking, and trying to figure out what was behind some of those locked doors. Lots of Greek artifacts, lots of Greek signifiers. And what we know about the wine of the time is that it was prized amongst other things not for its alcoholic content, but for its ability to induce madness. It is not psychedelics. Because every time I think about ancient wine, I am now immediately thinking about wine that is spiked. You won't find it in many places other than that. There's all kinds of reasons I haven't done it. Mark and Brian cover the Eleusinian Mysteries, the pagan continuity hypothesis, early Christianity, lessons from famed religious scholar Karen Armstrong, overlooked aspects of influential philosopher William James's career, ancient wine and ancient beer, experiencing the divine within us, the importance of "tikkun olam"repairing and . pagan continuity hypothesis - The continuity hypothesis of dreams suggests that the content of dreams are largely continuous with waking concepts and concerns of the dreamer. [2] This notion in John 15:1, the notion of the true vine, for example, only occurs in John. And maybe in these near-death experiences we begin to actually experience that at a visceral level. He's the god of wine. But maybe you could just say something about this community in Catalonia. Others would argue that they are perfectly legal sacraments, at least in the Native American church with the use of peyote, or in the UDV or Santo Daime, I mean, ayahuasca does work in some syncretic Christian form, right? Rupert Sheldrake, PhD, is a biologist and author best known for his hypothesis of morphic resonance. Now I want to get to the questions, but one last question before we move to the discussion portion. #646: Brian C. Muraresku with Dr. Mark Plotkin The Eleusinian Mysteries, Discovering the Divine, The Immortality Key, The Pagan Continuity Hypothesis, Lessons from Scholar Karen Armstrong, and Much More by The Tim Ferriss Show And this is at a time when we're still hunting and gathering. So again, that's February 22. Now is there any evidence for psychedelic use in ancient Egypt, and if not, do you have any theory as to why that's silent? And I-- in my profession, we call this circumstantial, and I get it. All he says is that these women and Marcus are adding drugs seven times in a row into whatever potion this is they're mixing up. BRIAN MURARESKU:: It's a simple formula, Charlie. And I just happened to fall into that at the age of 14 thanks to the Jesuits, and just never left it behind. And I asked her openly if we could test some of the many, many containers that they have, some on display, and many more in repository there. And this is what I present to the world. And apparently, the book is on order, so I can't speak to this directly, but the ancient Greek text that preserves this liturgy also preserves the formula, the ingredients of the eye ointment. CHARLES STANG: You know, Valentinus was almost elected bishop of Rome. I opened the speculation, Dr. Stang, that the Holy Grail itself could have been some kind of spiked concoction. That's the promise in John's gospel, in John 6:54-55, that I quote in the book. Continuity theory - Wikipedia That seems very believable, but there's nothing to suggest that the pharmacy or drug farm was serving Christians, or even that the potions produced were for ritual use. So it is already happening. Part 1 Brian C. Muraresku: The Eleusinian Mysteries, Discovering the Divine, The Immortality Key, The Pagan Continuity Hypothesis and the Hallucinogenic Origins of Religion 3 days ago Plants of the Gods: S4E1. I also sense another narrative in your book, and one you've flagged for us, maybe about 10 minutes ago, when you said that the book is a proof of concept. What's different about the Dionysian mysteries, and what evidence, direct or indirect, do we have about the wine of Dionysus being psychedelic? But what we do know is that their sacrament was wine and we know a bit more about the wine of antiquity, ancient Greek wine, than we can piece together from these nocturnal celebrations. The Immortality Key: The Secret History of the Religion with No Name President and CEO, First Southeast Financial Corp and First Federal Savings and Loan Director, Carolina First Bank and The South Financial Group I mean, about 25 years ago, actually. So, I mean, my biggest question behind all of this is, as a good Catholic boy, is the Eucharist. PDF Thesis-The Religion of Constantine I - University Of Ottawa Tim Ferriss Show #646: Brian C. Muraresku with Dr. Mark Plotkin: The Eleusinian Mysteries, Discovering the Divine, The Immortality Key, The Pagan Continuity Hypothesis, Psychedelics, and More. And another: in defending the pagan continuity hypothesis, Muraresku presumes a somewhat non-Jewish, pagan-like Jesus, while ignoring the growing body of psychedelic literature, including works by . The continuity theory proposes that older adults maintain the same activities, behaviors, personalities, and relationships of the past. Richard Evans Schultes and the Search for Ayahuasca 17 days ago Plants of the Gods: S3E10. There's evidence of the mysteries of Dionysus before, during, and after the life of Jesus, it's worth pointing out. So the mysteries of Dionysus are a bit more of a free-for-all than the mysteries of Eleusis. BRIAN MURARESKU: Dr. Stang, an erudite introduction as ever. I mean, I asked lots of big questions in the book, and I fully acknowledge that. Church of the Saints Faustina and Liberata, view from the outside with the entrance enclosure, at "Sante" place, Capo di Ponte (Italy). Oh, I hope I haven't offended you, Brian. CHARLES STANG: Wonderful. And you're right. And very famous passages, by the way, that should be familiar to most New Testament readers. The whole reason I went down this rabbit hole is because they were the ones who brought this to my attention through the generosity of a scholarship to this prep school in Philadelphia to study these kinds of mysteries. If we're being honest with ourselves, when you've drunk-- and I've drunk that wine-- I didn't necessarily feel that I'd become one with Jesus. There was an absence of continuity in the direction of the colony as Newport made his frequent voyages to and . Dogs, indicative of the Greek goddess Hecate, who, amongst other things was known as the [GREEK], the dog eater. Nazanin Boniadi So how exactly is this evidence of something relevant to Christianity in Rome or southern Italy more widely? I'm trying to get him to speak in the series about that. And when you speak in that way, what I hear you saying is there is something going on. Revolutionary Left Radio: Early Christianity: Psychedelics, Ancient Which, again, what I see are small groups of people getting together to commune with the dead. Whether there's a psychedelic tradition-- I mean, there are some suggestive paintings. Certainly these early churchmen used whatever they could against the forms of Christian practice they disapproved of, especially those they categorized as Gnostic. 8 "The winds, the sea . Because for many, many years, you know, Ruck's career takes a bit of a nosedive. Again, it's proof of concept for going back to Eleusis and going back to other sites around the Mediterranean and continuing to test, whether for ergotized beer or other things. So in my mind, it was the first real hard scientific data to support this hypothesis, which, as you alluded to at the beginning, only raises more questions. And I think oversight also comes in handy within organized religion. When there's a clear tonal distinction, and an existing precedent for Christian modification to Pagan works, I don't see why you're resistant to the idea, and I'm curious . And I want to ask you about specifically the Eleusinian mysteries, centered around the goddesses Demeter and Persephone. Here's the proof of concept. That is about the future rather than the ancient history. With more than 35 years of experience in the field of Education dedicated to help students, teachers and administrators in both public and private institutions at school, undergraduate and graduate level. #646: Brian C. Muraresku with Dr. Mark Plotkin The Eleusinian BRIAN MURARESKU: OK. BRIAN MURARESKU: It just happens to show up. And we know the mysteries were there. Continuity Hypothesis - Keith E Rice's Integrated SocioPsychology Blog And I started reading the studies from Pat McGovern at the University of Pennsylvania. It's not to say that there isn't evidence from Alexandria or Antioch. I just sense a great deal of structure and thoughtfulness going into this experience. Here's what we don't. I mean, I wish it were easier. So what have you learned about the Eleusinian mysteries in particular since Ruck took this up, and what has convinced you that Ruck's hypothesis holds water? As much as we know about the mysteries of Eleusis. And the truth is that this is a project that goes well beyond ancient history, because Brian is convinced that what he has uncovered has profound implications for the future of religion, and specifically, the future of his own religion, Roman Catholicism. Samuel Zuschlag - Durham University - Charlotte, North - LinkedIn For those who didn't have the time or the money or the temerity to travel all the way to Eleusis from Spain, here's your off-site campus, right? And at the same time, when I see a thirst, especially in young people, for real experience, and I see so many Catholics who do not believe in transubstantiation, obviously, what comes to my mind is how, if at all, can psychedelics enhance faith or reinvent Christianity. What I see is data that's been largely neglected, and I think what serves this as a discipline is just that. #646: Brian C. Muraresku with Dr. Mark Plotkin The Eleusinian We have an hour and a half together and I hope there will be time for Q&A and discussion. You mentioned, too, early churchmen, experts in heresies by the name of Irenaeus of Lyons and Hippolytus of Rome. In this episode, Brian C. Muraresku, who holds a degree from Brown University in Latin, Greek and Sanskrit,  joins Breht to discuss his fascinating book "The Immortality Key: The Secret History of the Religion with No Name", a groundbreaking dive into the use of hallucinogens in ancient Greece, the Pagan Continuity Hypothesis, the role of the Eucharist in early Christianity, the . CHARLES STANG: Well, Mr, Muraresku, you are hedging your bets here in a way that you do not necessarily hedge your bets in the book. And so in my afterword, I present this as a blip on the archaeochemical radar. That's our next event, and will be at least two more events to follow. Correcting Key Points in Muraresku, The Immortality Key I mean, if Burkert was happy to speculate about psychedelics, I'm not sure why Ruck got the reception that he did in 1978 with their book The Road to Eleusis. Brought to you by charity research and effective giving and 5-Bullet Friday, my very own email newsletter.Welcome to The Tim Ferriss Show, where it is usually my job to deconstruct world-class performers to tease out their routines, habits, et cetera that you can apply to your own life. There's John Marco Allegro claiming that there was no Jesus, and this was just one big amanita muscaria cult. Psychedelics are a lens to investigate this stuff. Mark and Brian cover the Eleusinian Mysteries, the pagan continuity hypothesis, early Christianity, lessons from famed religious scholar Karen Armstrong, overlooked aspects of influential philosopher William James's career, ancient wine and ancient beer, experiencing the divine within us, the importance of " tikkun olam "repairing and improving This time, tonight I'll say that it's just not my time yet. And we know from the record that [SPEAKING GREEK] is described as being so crowded with gods that they were easier to find than men. But this clearly involved some kind of technical know-how and the ability to concoct these things that, in order to keep them safe and efficacious, would not have been very widespread, I don't think. Origin of the Romanians - Wikipedia I see a huge need and a demand for young religious clergy to begin taking a look at this stuff. I'm going to stop asking my questions, although I have a million more, as you well know, and instead try to ventriloquist the questions that are coming through at quite a clip through the Q&A. Pagan polemicists reversed the Biblical story of the Israelites' liberation from Egyptian bondage, portraying a negative image of Israelite origins and picturing them as misanthropes and atheists. The Immortality Key: The Secret History of the Religion with No Name BRIAN MURARESKU: I would say I've definitely experienced the power of the Christ and the Holy Spirit. I think the wine certainly does. [texts-excerpt] penalty for cutting mangroves in floridaFREE EstimateFREE Estimate These mysteries had at their center a sacrament called kykeon, which offered a vision of the mysteries of life and death. And I think that we would behoove ourselves to incorporate, resuscitate, maybe, some of those techniques that seem to have been employed by the Greeks at Eleusis or by the Dionysians or some of these earliest Christians. The Tim Ferriss Show. I'm not sure many have. The Wanderer | Old English Poetry Project | Rutgers University All that will be announced through our mailing list. You can see that inscribed on a plaque in Saint Paul's monastery at Mount Athos in Greece. Brian C. Muraresku with Dr. Mark Plotkin: The Eleusinian Mysteries, Discovering the Divine, The Immortality Key, The Pagan Continuity Hypothesis, Psychedelics, and More | Tim Ferriss Show #646 And when I read psychedelic literature or I read the literature on near-death experiences, I see experiences similar to what I experienced as a young boy. We don't have to look very hard to find that. It was-- Eleusis was state-administered, a somewhat formal affair. I'm going to come back to that idea of proof of concept. So why do you think psychedelics are so significant that they might usher in a new Reformation? I include that line for a reason. That they were what you call extreme beverages. I'd never thought before about how Christianity developed as an organized religion in the centuries after Jesus' murder. That's all just fancy wordplay. That's the big question. And her best guess is that it was like this open access sanctuary. Many people see that as symbolic or allegorical or just a nice thing, which is not the case. And that's what I get into in detail in the book. Now, I mentioned that Brian and I had become friends. Mark and Brian cover the Eleusinian Mysteries, the pagan continuity hypothesis, early Christianity, lessons from famed religious scholar Karen Armstrong, overlooked aspects of influential philosopher William James's career, ancient wine and ancient beer, experiencing the divine within us, the importance of "tikkun olam"repairing and improving Just imagine, I have to live with me. "The Tim Ferriss Show" 646: Brian C. Muraresku with Dr. Mark Plotkin

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pagan continuity hypothesis