depressed capricorn moon

But if the even longer view is seen, Capricorn becomes the sign of ancient earth, with chronologies marked in epochs that they find peace with contemporary life. gotta love that and never breaking out of it so i never get anything done. These love puppies have a strong sense of justice and find it difficult to deal with loudness or aggression. This moon finds it very difficult to see the people and feelings that exist outside of their large bubble of bedlam, but require perpetual pandemonium to feel safe and secure. People with a Capricorn moon are often insecure and they are prone to depression. They're cold stone sober at times, being of the season of the longest nights. Cancer rising people love to be surrounded with every comfort imaginable. Lunar aspects and signs can also tell us more about their childhood and their relationship with their mother figure. Virgo Moon finds it incredibly hard to express their deepest emotions and can inadvertently put up barriers. If you're on a budget, though . Thank you for keeping us thinking! The gemini plays out when it comes to trying to rationalize my emotions. The mother may seem to be too cold and controlling for an individual, constraining their hopes and aspirations. Apasinate and emotional u can find but u might get tired of I love u if theres no acts for exams if u are with a cancer moon I feel like Scorpio moon are at best with earth sings 10000000%, Aquarius sun cap moon,cap rising,parents father,Leo,presbyterian,mother cancer,roman catholic, my family was and is a dysfunctional mess. Please, wish me luck. Having a Capricorn moon is definitely an interesting experience. In love, they tend to intellectualize and think about love rather than get lost in the emotion but are also quite experimental. A Capricorn that's denied herself the comforts of private life, in pursuit of that career peak, can lash out, until they realize what's missing. In short, this moon can have difficulty resisting temptation. Water sign Moons are sneaky, working in ways that make others feel guilty for having upset them. Condition: Used Used. The mother could be emotionally distant or very intellectual. Two nasty habits of the Cancer Moon is alcoholism and emotional eating. So, it can self-soothe with mind games and manipulation. The Scorpio Moon has a lot in common with the Capricorn Moon since it is also in a weak astrological position (in fall). Pisces are the zodiac sign that is most likely to suffer from depression. Though Samhain is a time of thin veils, it's been my experience that Winter Solstice is the darkest night of the soul. haha Aquarius Moon: Accurate! Statistically, a lot of Capricorn people are depressed (but not necessarily stay that way forever). I use my emotions as a weapon against all including the universe . As emotions sway and strengthen, it is a time of uncertainty, which is one thing Capricorns hate and why they. Moon in Cancer loves totally and wants to nurture you in a relationship but if insecure, they can get quite manipulative as they will do anything to maintain emotional security. He would likely be a faithful and reliable partner in a love relationship. I want him to know I really care about him enough to commit to him but I dont want him to be burdened by my commitment (because Taurus) and run asap. being the single breadwinner parent, working all day long) and subjective reasons (demanding parents, sophisticated and stressed relationship between the parents). Positive Generous, larger than life, romantic, passionate. Moon in Aquarius probably accepts their mother unconditionally but possibly never had traditional closeness or nurturing. Related: Which Zodiac Sign is the Smartest? As he is workaholic, he rarely online and I have no idea how to get this guy . Sure, this is depressing as hell, but we all need someone to ground us into reality. In general I feel u are really compatible just Leo and Libra sun are compatible Aquarius and Libra subs are also! Saturn gives Lunar Capricorns the ability to concentrate and devote themselves to an important task, but at the same time takes away the idealistic and romantic qualities of the Moon. I enjoyed this article haha! Moon in Pisces likes to see themselves as helpless little creatures. I notice often he is very detached in public and observant and quiet and once hes in private he shows me his emotions and love . It often seems like their energy is never ending. Before coming across your article, I had been stressing out as he was articulate about his feelings towards me in written text for a week or so, and then now its feels very cold. Pisces were born depressed - they have a tendency towards martyrdom and self-sacrifice. Aquarians are apt to be extremely graceful, though occasionally an Aquarian will swing the other direction and exhibit extreme klutziness. (A good Moon Sign reading can help all of this, btw.) Moon in Scorpios are old souls who were probably very wise, instinctive or aware in childhood. I m an Aquarius sun, scorpion moon, with Aquarius ascendant woman, Is there good compatibility between me and a libra sun, Capricorn moon man?? Life will never be boring with a Moon in Aries person as they strive to make you laugh and seek to conquer you emotionally. Crimes of excess aside, the darker side of the Taurus Moon is its low tolerance for forgiveness. When Taurus Moon has been slighted, they refuse to budge until the affected party pleads forgiveness. This product includes GeoLite data created by MaxMind, available from There's a depressive mood to a Capricorn Moon, "Crap-ricorn" as astrologers sometimes joke. The depression settles in when they feel heavy and weighed down. Constant control of feelings and emotions can be detrimental to psychological and physical well-being. Michele Knight - all rights reserved Terms and All About Capricorn Moon Sign: Personality Traits and Strengths - wikiHow I have a recent boyfriend whom I really respect and like so far. When he feels sad, it is common for him to feel that he is less than capable. Lunar Capricorns may need to work on the ability to forgive and be more easygoing with others. doing something for others, instead of just saying words. Pleasure and pain are one in the same to a Scorpio Moon. The moon is one of the most important placements in astrology and even though its in detriment here, Saturn offers an abundance of opportunities to grow. The moon rules Cancer, and its opposite sign is Capricorn. They can be clumsy with affections and secrets, and oblivious to everything that doesnt involve them. These Virgin Moon folk can also go from adoring you to becoming very critical as a way of hiding from intimacy. They are in a word: possessive. 1. The Capricorn Moon kind will never start some task or business without ensuring that conditions and time are proper for taking action. I agree 100% with this article im a Leo sun with Scorpio moon sag rising my 6 yrs husband is Libra sun aqua rising cap moon. Moon Conjunct Pluto Transit. However, I take into consideration that if he didnt care at all, he wont even bother asking me or texting me to begin with. These Mercurial beasts are also incredibly good at changing their mind for no apparent reason and more importantly changing what they feel. A $15 value FREE! Positive Expansive, generous, affectionate, loving, Shadow insensitive, loud, unpredictable. Of course, theres a ton more could learn about with the astrological info you have on him. What's making you feel depressed? There is plenty of malice bubbling inside this fixed, passionate moon that builds like a volcanic eruption. Though its possible that they could also complement each other very well, too. Capricorn is associated with depression. Gemini Moon cant sit still for too long, focus on one thing, or even maintain a stable emotional temperament. Theyre passionate about travel and feel at home in other countries. Trait 3: Ambitious. My moon is in Gemini and my boyfriend of 2 years is in capricorn haha. He started drinking medication for panic attacks and I blame it at his medication at first but his medication its only 5mg -10mg max and now he doesnt even drink it also. How Can I Learn What a Capricorn Woman Needs? When a Cancer is numb and "shut down," that's a sign of being depressed. If they dont do this (or something similarly strange and destructive), Aquarian Moon will power down, and the only reactions you receive will be lifeless small talk unrelated to any subject or silence (because they retreated back into their brain). Positive Visionary, creative, freedom loving, non judgmental. Your data will never be shared with third parties. On the flip side, they are often hard on themselves, withdrawn, serious, and can get easily offended. I found depth on a Virgo moon and feel its a better placement for me to date. The Capricorn-moon child tends to be older than his years, and as an adult, becomes more youthful as he grows older. This sign is also the home of mothers and is extremely nurturing. Just like to say that I think your an incrediblely amazing writer and I laughed the whole article. Even though they often feign confidence, the appearance is a sore spot for every Leo moon, and they often feel insecure about not living up to some grand standard. Expectations from others can be very high; it can seem like Saturn is really testing these moons and their ability to succeed in all that is thrown on them. Obviously everything takes compromise and work. The Moon, being the planet of emotion; representing the mind and the mother, is in detriment in the sign of Capricorn. (if you dont know your Moon sign click here for my free chart wheel). She writes, "Dry, brittle, and preoccupied with material success, Scrooge is transformed by an encounter with the spirit world (Capricorn is symbolized by the sea goat and can make his home in both the physical and spiritual realms). The only exception for Lunar Capricorns would be Moon in Cancer (Water sign), as they are complete astrological opposites, which may cause them to feel attracted to each other at first, but cause significant difficulties in understanding each others needs and wants in the future. And then there's the materialism of Capricorn, the love of worldly things taken to its extreme. Astrology - moonwavvves Hey there! When thwarted, scorned, or hurt, the Scorpio Moon acts as judge, jury, and executioner, punishing like Old Testament God. It's not unusual for deep-seated emotions to rise to the surface like a volcanic explosion, nor it is uncommon for major epiphanies to take place during this time. Grounding is important for all earth signs, and a helpful way to get them back into their nature would be to spend time in it. Capricorn is an earth sign of strong opinions, and you know where they stand. Our Moon sign also represents how we are emotionally and our karmic relationship with our mother. Their biggest insecurity is that they dont feel normal at least emotionally, because they are so cut off from feeling. Moon in Leo in love, love totally. Sometimes they are a little too agreeable and do whatever it takes to keep the peace. Item Information. One is likely to be noticed by their boss and get promoted faster. Cold, childish, pompous, and touchy these are the four cornerstones of the Leo Moons shadow. Very sensitive, fiery and go getting, because they are a fire sign when they want your attention they want it now. Moon in Leo people just expect to be waited on its all about them! Tune In With Michele Knight. Artistic and creative, they also make very good counsellors. Capricorn Sun Pisces Moon Personality Traits | Ryan Hart Thats definitely an indicator that hes into you, as Cap moon people wont open up unless they feel safe and enjoy the relationship. They're not foolish enough to expect the harsh world to make them feel better, but instead, deal with their surliness, just like the Goat does every day. I can write many poems about love but I cannot show off my love. Often those with Moon in Capricorn have had some kind of emotional trauma in childhood and have learned to protect themselves emotionally. In its essence, Moon can be considered as the second zodiac sign, which is much more special and individualistic than the Sun sign. Hack Your Way Out of Eclipse Shadows with the Tarot, 21st Century Psychic Skills Digging For Gold In Cards We Hate, Looking for Love? Im also a Virgo sun so i think that softens the craziness of my gemini moon. They rely on a partner, but require that said partner to be gloriously gorgeous. They are great at organizing things but above all, they have an idealistic and enthusiastic personality. The fact that the Sagittarius is open and friendly changes the bitter and prone to depression . Moon in Libra people are usually charming and kind. This is, after all, a cardinal Moon, so the instinct is to take charge and lead. This isn't because they fear emotions themselves but the loss of control experienced by being swept up in their waves. I have a lot of emotions and depth and empathy towards many things even while watching a movie. Related: Which Zodiac Sign is the Strongest? She also judged my then-boyfriend-now-husband as not up to par, because, well, he lived in a storage unit. A fixed Aquarius Moon gives its native two options: destroy or power down. Their productivity plummets and their desire to accomplish tasks is no longer driving them. Compartmentalization is a lunar Capricorn commandment. This is also true of the Moon in the signs. They detest vulnerability but will always be protective of those they love. Plus, taking on the world means they can whine about it. I get it. Theres a rigid standard a Capricorn Moon applies to everyone, and because they are so hard on themselves, they turn that judgement outward, scrutinizing and dooming others. They are vain, and feign independence. The aims in this Natal position tend to be directed in one or a couple of key directions due to the strong sense of responsibility a lot of Lunar Capricorns leave a significant trace in this world. I found him a challenge, I had to submerge most of my natural personality to not irritate him. Aww, I feel you. 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depressed capricorn moon